B TOTO has redesigned and renamed its popular entry- and intermediate-level WASHLET bidet seat models - جريدة الوطن العربي
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TOTO has redesigned and renamed its popular entry- and intermediate-level WASHLET bidet seat models

Ibrahim ahmed

TOTO has redesigned and renamed its popular entry- and intermediate-level WASHLET bidet seat models, adding many new features.

The company’s most budget-friendly WASHLET bidet seats, the entry-level WASHLET C2 and intermediate-level WASHLET C5, have a simple, clean-line design. Among the design improvements TOTO made to these two popular bidet seats, TOTO reduced their warm water reservoir’s height by approximately 1.5-inches, giving them a streamlined appeal. TOTO also reduced the height differences and gaps in WASHLET C2 and C5’s fitting to the toilet bowl. TOTO’s goal is not merely to create well-designed models of WASHLET, but to create beautiful combinations of toilet and WASHLET, which have an overall sense of design unity and harmony.

In addition, TOTO enhanced the cleanliness of WASHLET C2 and WASHLET C5, both in appearance and ease of cleaning. TOTO has added EWATER+ to automatically clean the wand both inside and out, before and after each use and redesigned the wand’s housing beneath the seat, making its design simpler and easier to clean. TOTO has redesigned the WASHLET lid making it easier to sit on and wipe down.

Both the newly redesigned WASHLET C2 and WASHLET C5 are available as WASHLET+ models. WASHLET+ — the latest innovation by TOTO — seamlessly connects a TOTO toilet and WASHLET+ unit, providing CLEAN SYNERGY, advanced cleaning technologies that work together to keep the toilet bowl fresh and clean at all times: PREMISTCEFIONTECTDYNAMAX TORNADO FLUSH, and EWATER+.

List Price:

·       WASHLET C2: $675 – $776

·       WASHLET+ C2: — $675

·       WASHLET C5: $780 – $897

·       WASHLET+ C5: $780


Aquia IV Arc and Aquia IV Cube WASHLET+ Toilets:

TOTO just announced that it is extending its much sought-after Aquia IV Dual Flush Toilet line. The company is adding its new Aquia IV Arc and Aquia IV Cube designs, which are available as WASHLET+ models or floor-mount toilets.

The Aquia IV Cube provides a fashionable contemporary design with its boldly geometric tank. In turn, the Aquia IV Arc offers a sophisticated transitional design statement with its elegant flared tank. Both models’ elongated skirted design is aesthetically pleasing and offers easy cleaning by removing the nooks and crannies where dust collects, while their slender tank gives them a heightened sensibility.

The Aquia IV Arc and Aquia IV Cube toilets seamlessly connect with their WASHLET+ models, leaving no protruding supply connections (water or electrical). They offer the DYNAMAX TORNADO FLUSH® system by TOTO, a high-efficiency flushing system that is more effective in one flush than most toilets are with multiple flushes, and advanced bowl-cleaning technologies: PREMIST®, CEFIONTECT®, and EWATER+®, all of which are only available from TOTO. Also, they offer Auto-Flush, a sensor-operated, hands-free flush feature.

List Price:

·       Aquia IV Arc Toilet – $797 – $817

·       Aquia IV Arc WASHLET+ – $1,390 – $2558

·       Aquia IV Cube – $797 – $817

·       Aquia IV Cube WASHLET+ – $1,398 – $2558

Concept of a Wellness Bathroom:

A picture containing text, indoor

Description automatically generatedFor more than 100 years, TOTO has been the plumbing industry’s pioneer, creating a new global bathroom culture and contributing significantly to the residential bathroom and commercial restroom evolution. Today, in the era of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, TOTO continues to lead the way through accelerated digital innovation and partnerships with experts worldwide to develop a brand-new residential bathroom experience in the field of wellness – the Wellness Toilet.

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