B New Dutch beauty brand DemarkQ is ready to disrupt Gen-Z skin care - جريدة الوطن العربي
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New Dutch beauty brand DemarkQ is ready to disrupt Gen-Z skin care


  Ibrahim ahmed
Using disruptive technology and improving treatment routines, DemarkQ provides a
natural form of treatment via light therapy. Unlike other teenage acne solutions, the
focus is a non-invasive and medically proven approach that avoids chemicals, side
effects and works for every single skin type. DemarkQ stimulates the body’s natural
healing process and is backed up by science.
DemarkQ products use medical grade blue and red LED light therapy to significantly
reduce acne and acne scarring. “Red LED’s treat acne on cellular level, giving the cells
more energy to fight infection, increase blood circulation and heal, resulting in healthy
looking skin. Blue LED’s kill bacteria that causes breakouts. The combination of red
and blue light is therefore a great non-toxic, non-invasive and safe way to deal with
skin issues”, says Sarah Tuner, Scientific Advisor Light Therapy.
Dermatologist-like treatments at home
The FDA cleared technology is perfect for home use giving dermatologist-like
treatments without having to leave the house. “Light therapy, it’s simple and yet so
effective. We provide a natural and clinical treatment, suitable for every skin type,
without bearing the costs”, says Dennis, Co-founder of DemarkQ.
By taking a skin-positivity approach, DemarkQ wants to show Gen-Z that they are not
alone in their battle to fight acne. “Be yourself, be unique and if you want to treat your
skin, do it in a natural, non-invasive way. It’s a one-time buy and lasts a lifetime.”
The Hague, The Netherlands, Dec. 15. 2020 – Over 57 million US Gen-Z’s suffer from
acne which negatively affects quality of life. DemarkQ is a disruptive and high-
tech skin care brand that fights your acne and acne scarring, specifically designed
for Gen-Z. After one year of designing and engineering, DemarkQ wants to bring
the ultimate solution for acne and acne scarring to the market in 2021.

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