B SMART WORK: KLAXOON WILL PRESENT BOARD AT CES 2021    - جريدة الوطن العربي
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Ibrahim ahmed 



For the 6th  consecutive year, the specialist of collaborative solutions for teamwork, is taking part in the CES. That’s where the company will unveil how Board is transforming the way teams world-wide are collaborating together daily. Board is the new visual standard for teamwork, with a built-in video conferencing tool, launched last September.

The 2021 edition of CES is 100% digital and Klaxoon will once again have a central role this year. It will be all hands on deck for our team, welcoming visitors from around the world, whatever their time zone, and offering them an immersive remote experience of Board and collective intelligence.


Smart Work: Board, the visual management revolution for everyone

Board is a simple, inclusive, next-generation workspace for visual collaboration, which promotes participation for all, notably through built-in videoconferencing.

At the end of last year, Klaxoon launched a new all-in-one visual standard for teams working on-site and/or remotely. Developed during the first lockdown, using feedback from and the experiences of thousands of teams and organizations, it is an answer to the hybrid work model that is here to stay.

This technology, named Board, is jam-packed with all Klaxoon’s know-how. It gives you access to a complete visual workspace in one place: a visual interface that accepts all types of content and file formats, with hundreds of ready-to-use meeting templates and Klaxoon’s unique built-in video conferencing function, Live, as well as the option of using other tools available on the market, like Teams, Meet, Zoom, or Webex.

To learn about Klaxoon in 1 min, click here


Global recognition of Smart Work with Klaxoon and the CES

Klaxoon has built up solid ties with the CTA (Consumer Technology Association), which organizes the CES, since its first participation 6 years ago. On December 1, Gary Shapiro, CEO of the CTA, took part in a Klaxoon Live event – a series of interviews with industry leaders launched by Klaxoon this year – to discuss the digitalization of the trade show this year. It was an opportunity for him to draw parallels between the digital CES and our new hybrid work models – a challenge that Klaxoon’s collaborative solutions are helping people to rise to:


“One thing I’m hearing during the pandemic, getting meetings and creative juices flowing to in a way be productive is so important, and that is what is missing in a lot of experiences and Klaxoon comes along solving a lot of the bigger problems there. Thanks for being Klaxoon. You are making the world better. You are making people collaborate better.” Gary Shapiro, CEO of the CTA.


The winner of four CES Awards since 2016, Klaxoon has always been driven by a desire to transform how we collaborate and put people back at the center of the workplace. To do this, the company has developed technologies that make interactions more natural and efficient, while allowing everyone to express themselves.


Following many other landmark innovations, at CES 2021, Klaxoon will demonstrate its latest innovation, which revolutionizes teamwork with a new, visual, more inclusive method of collaboration, which is accessible from any device: Board.

Matthieu Beucher, Founder and CEO of Klaxoon: “CES’s recognition is a source of pride for us. Six years ago we were precursors, and we were able to convince people that our technologies were on point at the biggest technology trade show in the world. Six years later, millions of users around the world use our tools for work every day. So, it’s not without a certain emotion that we return to the CES to reach the whole world. And whereas the urgency of the situation underscores the importance of building resilience, CES 2021 is an opportunity to highlight the universality of our solutions and reveal the power of visual management in teamwork.


To watch the full webinar with Gary Shapiro, click here.


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