B AlarmSecur & PCCW Global connect 4G Videophones to its Event Based AI IoT Platform with Visual Verification   - جريدة الوطن العربي
الرئيسية » تكنولوجيا وإقتصاد » AlarmSecur & PCCW Global connect 4G Videophones to its Event Based AI IoT Platform with Visual Verification  

AlarmSecur & PCCW Global connect 4G Videophones to its Event Based AI IoT Platform with Visual Verification  

Ibrahim ahmed

PCCW Global, the leading telecommunications service provider, and AlarmSecur.com, a major international Internet of Things (IoT) home security specialist, have collaborated to bring to market an all-in-one and easy-to-use security camera solution, providing consumers with a plug-and-play security device that includes remote and cloud features right out of the box, without having to insert or configure a local SIM connectivity device.

The innovative bundled security solution enables consumers to purchase an all-in-one package of AlarmSecur’s S6 or S7 video intercoms and 6GB of pre-installed data on PCCW Global’s IoT SIM cards, automatically and cost-effectively connecting to existing mobile operator networks almost anywhere in the world. This bundled connectivity correspondingly unleashes a wealth of advanced device security features that include remote monitoring and AI-based cloud services such as optimal face recognition and tracking.

Connectivity is enabled and configured by AlarmSecur through PCCW Global’s Console Connect IoT service. The service makes use of advanced eSIM technology that connects to an extensive worldwide mobile network of 2G, 3G and 4G services and is also supported by PCCW Global’s own private international MPLS infrastructure.

The new bundled home security solution is making its international debut at CES 2021 in Las Vegas on 11 January, 2021.

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