B CES 2021 is About to Start: Take A Peek Ahead with New B-Roll for the All-Digital Show - جريدة الوطن العربي
الرئيسية » تكنولوجيا وإقتصاد » CES 2021 is About to Start: Take A Peek Ahead with New B-Roll for the All-Digital Show

CES 2021 is About to Start: Take A Peek Ahead with New B-Roll for the All-Digital Show

Ibrahim ahmed

Give your audience a peek of what’s to come at CES2021 with the latest video package from CESbroll.com.

Next week, companies, innovators, and thought leaders will come together to engage and network at CES2021 and the all-digital experience provides unparalleled access from the safety and comfort of home.

Preview the show with broadcast-quality HD B-Roll packages that can be downloaded at CESbroll.com.

Official B-Roll packages will be made available throughout CES2021, which runs Monday, January 11 – Thursday, January 14 as the highly-personalized experience showcases tech innovation globally.

Curated content from CTA and white-labeled Ready-to-Use packages provide highlights of key aspects of the show can be easily downloaded and shared.  Exhibitors also are providing B-roll during their show to give more detailed looks at their latest products, services and innovations.

CES 2021 will include more than 1,800 exhibitors and 100 conference sessions are a part of CES 2021 and you can cover the show with B-Roll you won’t find anywhere else, giving your audience a truly unique, reimagined experience.

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