B Mini-LiDAR for Navigation & Obstacle Avoidance Made Possible Through All-Star World Supply Chain Partners - جريدة الوطن العربي
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Mini-LiDAR for Navigation & Obstacle Avoidance Made Possible Through All-Star World Supply Chain Partners

Ibrahim ahmed
GreatStar OLEI, a leading global provider of
advanced LiDAR and thermal camera sensors, along with MorpheusTEK, today launched in advance of the all-digital CES 2021 show, January 11-14th, the world’s first, industrial quality mini-LiDAR available for navigation and obstacle avoidance for $500 per unit or lower at volume.
Until now, the material and production expenses for most mass scale robotics and industrial, commercial-grade LiDARs has typically accounted for over 20-30% of overall costs, limiting the mass production and adoption of many advanced, sensor-based applications due to the high cost to manufacturers, distributors and ultimately end-consumers.
The super compact, durable and lightweight 25m unit is not only one of the smallest available LiDARs in the industry today, but also now at the lowest price point due to the fact that OLEI, a business unit of GreatStar, is the largest laser driver purchaser and laser measurement manufacturer in the world. The buying power provides economies of scale to drive down overall production costs that are passed along to business partners and customers worldwide.
“This industry-leading breakthrough is equivalent to Ford bringing the Model T to the masses,” said Phil Hennessy, CEO of MorpheusTEK and exclusive Partner of GreatStar OLEI for North America. “When automobiles were able to reduce their total cost, it opened up general availability to the masses. The LiDAR barrier has now been broken and this new, lower price point will help usher in a new era of robotic navigation sensor solutions worldwide.”
The GreatStar OLEI mini-LiDAR is made possible through a world-class partner supply chain collaborative of “all-star” global design and component leaders, including US-design, German-precision laser drivers and motors, Japanese sensor technology and China quality manufacturing. “This orchestrated effort is a global model of excellence when you bring together the best of the best to deliver a solution that benefits the greater good for all as part of a global digital economy,” added Dr. Yongping Wang CTO of OLEI.




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