B Light Tree Ventures, a Dutch Company Grabs the Rising Demand of Light Therapy - جريدة الوطن العربي
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Light Tree Ventures, a Dutch Company Grabs the Rising Demand of Light Therapy

Ibrahim ahmed


The Hague, The Netherlands. As the news of its many benefits spreads, Light Therapy is gaining widespread popularity. The global market is forecasted to surpass USD 1 billion by 2025. Dutch company Light Tree Ventures (LTV) specializes in the research, development, and manufacturing of Light Therapy devices to explore their full market potential. After 13 years of experience in the industry, the company is committed to producing research-backed and well-engineered products, making this technology accessible to businesses and consumers.

Light Therapy is a procedure in which an individual is routinely exposed to an artificial light-emitting source to treat a specific ailment. As different wavelengths of light have specialized benefits; its application is far-reaching.

Since its discovery in 1903 by Niels Ryberg Finsen, Light Therapy’s applications have rapidly grown within several industries. This includes Dermatology, Cosmetics, Sports, Muscle Recovery, Oral care, Pain relief, and many more. Today, it is an effective treatment procedure praised by the medical and scientific community. However, until 2016, Light Therapy was a luxury treatment few could afford. Light Tree Ventures uses its extensive expertise to incorporate this technology into affordable, accessible solutions.

LED Light Therapy is the next big thing in skincare:

The increasing prevalence of skin-related diseases and the rising demand for non-invasive treatments have augmented Light Therapy’s popularity within the skincare market.  As the demand for technology-driven skincare increases, so does the expectations of its performance. At-home LED light treatment devices can effectively treat several conditions, including acne, psoriasis, eczema, aging signs, inflammation, dermatitis, and rosacea. The treatment offers corrective and long-lasting results without irritation or sensitivity. Additionally, the treatment is universal and works on all skin types. Finally, since it provides salon-quality results at home, it saves on the overall costs. This makes it a popular choice among many looking for an all-in-one solution.

LTV is working on effective, FDA-cleared devices that provide salon-quality results from home.

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