B Nobi smart lamp provides help when older people fall  - جريدة الوطن العربي
الرئيسية » تكنولوجيا وإقتصاد » Nobi smart lamp provides help when older people fall 

Nobi smart lamp provides help when older people fall 

 Ibrahim ahmed 

  Innovations will be presented at the CES technology fair this week. Nobi, a Belgian start-up, will be presenting its smart lamp, which will be available for purchase by the end of 2021, for the first time. The intelligent lamp monitors older people who live alone so that they can live independently for longer without a care in the world. You can hang Nobi in a private home or a service flat. With the help of artificial intelligence, the lamp detects when you fall and ensures that help is provided. Nobi offers a solution to a global problem: falls by older people. One in three people over 65 fall at least once a year, and 66% of them are injured seriously. Offering help as quickly as possible is crucial. After all, falls are the most important cause of fatal injuries, and 50% of the elderly who lay on the floor for longer than one hour die within six months of the fall.

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