B The Global Space Exploration Conference 2021 kicked off with a full day dedicated to the next generation - جريدة الوطن العربي
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The Global Space Exploration Conference 2021 kicked off with a full day dedicated to the next generation

Ibrahim ahmed


. The Global Space Exploration Conference 2021 kicked off with a full day dedicated to the next generation. Christian FEICHTINGER, the Executive Director of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) opened the conversation by reminding everyone that “being part of the IAF means pursuing the ultimate goal of creating a more inclusive world by fostering the 3G: Generation, Geography and Gender diversity”.

IAF President, Pascale EHRENFREUND, is confident: the “next generation of space leaders will achieve great progress and bring space exploration to the next level”. As stated by Bodgan ZASTAVNY, Chairman of St. Petersburg Committee on Youth Policy and Cooperation, “the strong presence of students and young professionals during the opening ceremony” and “in space universities and academies” was also endorsed by Sergey SAVELIEV, Deputy Director General for International Cooperation at ROSCOSMOS. It confirms the trend of the “next generation being increasingly involved into assuring a more sustainable future for space exploration” declared Antonino SALMERI, Lead of the E.A.G.L.E. Teal on Lunar Governance at SGAC.

But how can sustainability be implemented? Simonetta DI PIPPO, UNOOSA Director, strongly advocated against “positive discrimination, in favor of more merit”. Priyanka D. RAJKAKATI from the Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, proposed to “focus more on language by for instance prioritizing using ‘crewed missions’ instead of ‘manned missions’”. Julie PATARIN-JOSSEC, Lecturer at the Saint Petersburg State University shed the light on “space debris, both for future generations, international collaboration and environmental issues”. Astronaut Hazzaa ALMANSOORI reassured everyone by reminding them that “space cannot be achieved without international cooperation”. He mentioned “in space your fellow astronauts become your family”. A statement that was supported by Software Engineer at Space Products and Innovations, Ignaty ROMANOV-CHERNIGOVSKY a student at the IAF Member organization, the International Space University (ISU) “where common ground can always be found to implement a solution sustainable for all”.

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