B Paymob and Codashop present new payment methods for online gamers in Egypt - جريدة الوطن العربي
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Paymob and Codashop present new payment methods for online gamers in Egypt

Ibrahim ahmed

Today, Paymob announces its collaboration with Codashop to provide convenient payment solutions in Egypt for mobile and console gamers .

Despite the high popularity of online gaming in Egypt, many Egyptian gamers are not able to enjoy their favorite games because they don’t have access to payment methods accepted by game publishers. The partnership between Paymob and Codashop will allow millions of users in Egypt, who do not own bank accounts or credit cards, to enjoy the premium benefits of mobile and online games.

The partnership between Paymob and codashop will enable millions of users to pay for games such as PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, Top Eleven and Call Of Duty Mobile, using the following methods:

● Vodafone Cash
● Meeza
● Masary
● Aman
● Momken

Egyptian gamers can now pay in a safe and convenient way for their favorite games and apps through a seamless payment experience.

Omar El-Gammal, Head of International Business Operations at Paymob, said the gaming industry is witnessing a great turnout in the region, and the company is proud to be part of this growth. He continued “Paymob aims to offer a seamless payment experience by providing safe and convenient payment methods suitable for all players across Egypt”.

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