B Tears of the المبحه Who exchange love - جريدة الوطن العربي
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Tears of the المبحه Who exchange love

The one who reciprocates the love, I exchange the same feeling
Oh, your love dictates my heart, overflowing with it all the seas
Who look at me in your eyes, I exchange the look of my eyes
Oh, your looks are longing and longing, the look of an eye for an eye
What do you say, my love
Who is above all bans?
Oh you are my heartbeat
It is impossible to describe the feeling above it
Oh, I share your feeling, I swear, I swear to God
Oh my love, don’t miss Kevin from my eyes
You are my family and all my people, you are all my existence
Oh my love, my love has crossed all limits
How did I see you with my eyes
His blink sable
Oh, your looks hurt me
And you are jealous of my love
You are my destiny and you are my share, you fill my heart with joy
Oh spring flowers of my heart, and roses are jealous of you
My eyes have not seen the beauty of your beauty except for imagination
Oh lovebirds, soar in the sky and sea of ​​the sea
Oh my eyelashes and eyelashes
Yarmushen and the eyes of a poplar
You are my words and my letters
And you are for my eyes a light above a light
Lyrics and melodies of a poet
feeling and love
Youssef Nawaja

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لن يتم نشر البريد الإلكتروني . الحقول المطلوبة مشار لها بـ *



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