B HANDL is getting a ROUND! - جريدة الوطن العربي
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HANDL is getting a ROUND!

Ibrahim Ahmed 

The date is getting closer when a game changing cellphone accessory comes to town. HANDL O is poised to take over the round phone grip world; there is nothing that makes your phone life easier. HANDL O is an elegant and ergonomic elastic and brace system that allows you the greatest ease and flexibility.  And remarkably, HANDL O also converts to full portrait and landscape stand. Try that with the competition.  Experience phone freedom with HANDL. 

HANDL O Spring 2022 line up is offered in 3 product categories: Elements, Wild, and Sparkl, priced at 12.99 and 14.99. Elements includes basic finishes from carbon fiber to mirror, Wild uses beautiful faux animal skins like Gator, Ostrich and Cheetah. Sparkl gives bling to your phone and fingers with glitters like gold, silver and black.  HANDL O will to be on sale in the US in March through its website, Amazon and select retailers. Customers can sign up at www.handlnewyork.com to get notifications and receive discounts on purchases.


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