B HANDL Has Turned Its Smartphone Stick Into A Canvas For Collectible Pieces Of Art - جريدة الوطن العربي
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HANDL Has Turned Its Smartphone Stick Into A Canvas For Collectible Pieces Of Art

 Ibrahim ahmed 

Fine artist Allen Hirsch, who has paintings in museums and galleries all over the world, is now creating different kinds of collectible art pieces for smartphones. Hirsch is personally making each piece himself so retail clients can save the HANDL sticks as valuable artwork. Hirsch has selected these artistic ornaments from the years he has spent traveling the work and art collecting himself.  All of these Special Edition HANDLsticks will have the New York City artist’s signature to confirm its authenticity.


Hirsch is designing and assembling these elegant creations in his HANDL Soho workshop. Hirsch invented this patented elastic and brace system that allows you to hold your phone like a paintbrush – without the familiar stressful grip. All HANDLs also converts to a portrait and landscape stand.


Rose Gold Shell is made with real polished seashells and comes in a signed edition of 500 pieces at $50 each at https://handlnewyork.com/products/signed-rose-gold-seashell-handlstick


 Animal heads are released in signed editions of 50 at $50 as well. Please see https://handlnewyork.com/products/signed-limited-edition-animal-handlstick


Each month, HANDL will release new edition pieces available exclusively on their website at handlnewyork.com.


Hirsch’s art has been frequently featured on the covers of Time magazine and exhibited in the White House and Smithsonian. Hirsch has also been active as a real estate developer in Manhattan and is a founder of La Esquina restaurant in Soho, and co-founder of the Kaaterskill Inn in the Hudson Valley.  A documentary produced by the New York Times about his art and monkey, called Long Live Benjamin, won an Emmy in 2018.


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