B يوسف نواجعة.. يكتب / عراقيات.. شيلة لها وناسه - جريدة الوطن العربي
الرئيسية » فن وثقافة » يوسف نواجعة.. يكتب / عراقيات.. شيلة لها وناسه

يوسف نواجعة.. يكتب / عراقيات.. شيلة لها وناسه

لها وناسه ادري ولها ليل الونسه صدد
الليل للونسا ينسا والسهر للونسا اوجد
يا شمات العطر بدري والليل للقا يوعد
تكفى يا قلب تكفى دوم جاهز عالموعد

لها مشيااات تغري ولها خديدين مورد
حبه بالقلب يجري هواااها بالعين تفرد
انه اللي بيها ادري وانا اللي لا وصوفه عدد
اهواها والهوى عذري وطيري عغصنه غرد

توعد منتفرق وننسا وبيومه العشق صمد
دقته عالقلب تقسا وقلبه للقلب يجحد
ما نقص حب من ونسا ونستي لها موعد
اجيله وهي علي تقسا وفبرد الهوى اتجمد

تخلف وعوده بفرصه تقول انا حدد واوعد
وعده ياوعد خنسا روح ع فراشك وارقد
اتوصى يا قلب اتوصى خلك الي متفرد
اتحين لاتجي فرصه قلبين بفراش موحد

لها غمزات تغوي ولها شفيييييين مورد
شعره الليل يدوي والقلب بصدرين تنهد
عينه بالكحل تجوي وسهم الرمش اكد
صايبه بنظرة عيونه عينه للهدف تحدد

تقتل بنظرات عيونه وطبيب القلب اتاكد
فارق بحبه وجنونه وقيس لا ليلى اوعد
عنتره بصحاري كونه وعبله لا شعره توهد
ما يكتمل حب ونسا الونسه للقلب تضحد

لها وناسه ادري ولها ليل الونسه صدد
الليل للونسه ينسا والسهر للونسه اوجد
يا شمات العطر بدري والليل للقا يوعد
تكفى يا قلب تكفى دوم جاهز عالموعد

السيف حبيب العراقي فلسطين
حقوق القصيده محفوظه

Iraqi women Sheila for her and her people For her and his people, I know, and for her, the night of the lonely, Sadad The night for Lonsa is forgotten and the night for Lonsa is created O smells of perfume, it is early and the night is about to be promised Enough, my heart, is enough. Always ready for the appointment She has seductive walks and rich cheeks His love is in the heart, its passion is unique in the eye He is the one who knows, and I am the one who does not describe it as a number I love her, passion is my excuse, and my bird is a branch that chirps

He threatened to disperse and forget, but his day of love endured His affection for the heart is hardened, and his heart for the heart is ungrateful There is no shortage of love from Wansa and we miss her date I come to him while she is hard on me and my passion is cold and I freeze He breaks his promises with an opportunity that says, “I specify and I promise.” His promise, O promise, is Khansa. Go to your bed and rest I recommend, oh heart, I advise you to be alone Don’t miss the chance of two hearts in the same bed

She has winks that seduce and she has two lips that are resourceful His night hair sounds and his heart sighs His eye with kohl is starved and the eyelash arrow confirms He was right with the look of his eyes, his eye determined the target You kill with the looks in his eyes and the cardiologist confirmed it He parted with his love and madness, and Qais, not Laila Awaad Antarah in the deserts of his universe and his arrogance, not his hair, is lost When Wansa’s love is never complete, the heart becomes sacrificial

For her and his people, I know, and for her, the night of the lonely, Sadad The night is for the woman who forgets, and staying up late is for the woman who is happy O smells of perfume, it is early and the night is about to be promised Enough, my heart, is enough. Always ready for the appointment Al-Saif Habib Al-Iraqi Palestine sootawsdaa2023@gmail.com 972569109975 All rights reserved to the poem

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