B Lify Wellness to launch a 100-day Wellness Resolution program - جريدة الوطن العربي
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Lify Wellness to launch a 100-day Wellness Resolution program

Ibrahim ahmed

The COVID pandemic has affected the way of living, to say the least, of billions across the world. Demand for stay-home and DIY products is growing as consumers continue to look for alternative health and lifestyle solutions amid lockdowns.

Answering such rising demand for a “DIY consumer health” stay-home solution, Lify is launching a “100-day Wellness Resolution” program to empower users to achieve their New Year’s health resolutions in a convenient and enjoyable way right at home.

Lify’s “100-day Wellness Resolution” program allows each user to identify, via a wellness quiz, up to 7 of their top wellness goals (e.g. to sleep better, to relieve stress, to boost immunity, to alleviate skin issues) and have a 100-day portion of curated wellness formulas designed by a team of wellness experts (herbal scientists, traditional medicinal practitioners and tea masters) delivered to their doorsteps.

Lify works with a team of wellness experts to handpick the best supercharged herbal ingredients from both the East and West to create each Lify Wellness Formula. Superfood ingredients like adaptogens, CBD and collagen are carefully paired with tea and herbal ingredients to create wellness formulas that are delicious and functional for daily consumption.

With its patented ultra-high pressure infusion technology, the Lify Smart Herbal Brewer offers a fast and efficient way to extract herbal ingredients – a cup of freshly brewed herbal tea in just 40 seconds. It’s one of the most relaxing and delicious ways to enjoy adaptogens, CBD, collagen and other superfood ingredients.

Lify Herbal Discs are also eco-friendly and compostable at regular landfills in just 2 years, a far more sustainable and convenient solution than other beverage capsules in the market.

Media partners are now invited to experience a premiere of Lify’s “100-day Wellness Resolution” program! Lify has reserved a limited number of sets of products for media partners in the consumer tech, lifestyle, wellness and startup sectors who are interested in conducting a product review of the Lify Smart Herbal Brewer and “100-day Wellness Resolution” program to experience the new way to stay-home wellness.

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